用户访问指南&IdP添加指南模板(User Visit Guide & IdP Appending Guide templates)

用户访问指南&IdP添加指南模板(User Visit Guide & IdP Appending Guide templates)

用户访问指南(User Visit Guide):用户访问指南.docx

IdP添加指南(IdP Appending Guide):IdP添加指南(服务开通流程).docx


  1. 请不要移除页眉、CARSI及北京大学的logo、背景水印等现有样式。仅根据产品内容定制化即可。
  2. 由于目标用户群体是CARSI成员的师生,建议提供中文文档。
  3. 以SAML方式接入的SP,如果只提供wayfless的访问方式的话,用户文档需要把从CARSI资源门户(https://ds.carsi.edu.cn) 如何一步一步访问到资源的流程写清楚。
  4. IdP添加指南中的末尾,请添加:资源本身的介绍,厂商的介绍,CARIS成员学校资源使用要求(是否是原有采购合同的补充访问方式,CARSI用户可免费使用本产品,收费产品是否提供试用,试用期多长,免费的话是否还须提交申请,等),以及提供给CARSI渠道登录用户的功能或权限。


  1. Please DO NOT remove page headers, CARSI/PKU logo, background watermarks,etc. Just customize with your own contents.
  2. Since the end users are teachers/students of CARSI members, Chinese docs is preferred.
  3. SP accessed in SAML mode, If the resource can only be accessed through wayfless url, please provide the step by step guide to access this resource from CARSI Resource Portal(https://ds.carsi.edu.cn)
  4. Please provide these info at the end of IdP Appending Guide: The introduction of the resource,  the introduction of the provider (vendor), the pricing policy (free or charged, do you provide trail version for charged resource, how long is the trail period, whether IdP shall send you request if it's a free resource, etc.), what functions/authority will you provide to CARSI users.

更多样例请见:https://www.carsi.edu.cn/splist_zh.htm(中文)  https://www.carsi.edu.cn/splist_en.htm(英文)

Find more samples at: https://www.carsi.edu.cn/splist_zh.htm(Chinese)  https://www.carsi.edu.cn/splist_en.htm(English)

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